DFB Light Source

LD-PD’s DFB Light source series is a set of high linearity DFB CW Light Source for modulation bandwidth <3GHz, mainly applied to optical accessory and fiber-optic communication equipment testing, modulation bandwidth <3GHz simulation, digital signal transmission R&D and application. Relying on high accuracy automatic power control (APC) and automatic temperature control (ATC) techniques, the DFB light sources deliver stable output power in both short term and long term. These light sources can work at CW, internal modulate, and external modulate modes.DFB laser outputs a narrow band, single longitudinal mode laser power. DFB laser light sources work at wavelengths of 760nm,850nm,1310nm, 1550nm bands, CWDM channel and some Customize wavelength(Please reference our DFB Laser diode wavelength).

Central wavelength:1270nm 1550nm 1577nm 4500nm 5260nm 7160nm 7400nm
Output power:10mW 30mW 40mW 80mW 100mW
Spectral Width:1 MHz 3 MHz

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