Fiber Optical Amplifier

The Raman-AMP-1653.7-1W-CW offers 1120-1700 nm Raman fiber amplifiers to overcome the limited emission spectral region of the rare-earth-doped fiber amplifiers. The maximum output power can reach up to 30 W for single-frequency operation. Meanwhile, the amplifiers use all-polarization-maintaining design, which makes them compact in size and long-term stable. They are designed for the applications like laser atomic cooling and laser spectroscopy etc.

Operation Wavelength:795 ± 0.5nm 1225nm 1340-1530nm 1524 - 1572nm 1528 - 1566nm 1528 - 1567nm 1530 - 1580nm 1530 - 1565nm 1532 - 1565nm 1538 - 1565nm 1550nm
Output power:5W 5.0W/37dBm 15W 10W 8W 2W 2.0W/33dBm 1mW 63mW 100mW/20dBm 250mW

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